Electrical Projects - Pat Testing

PAT Testing Services
It is a legal requirement that electrical equipment in either the workplace or, in the case of any landlord or company-supplied electrical equipment in rented accommodation or residential care homes etc., is 'safe, well-maintained and suitable for the purpose for which it is being used'. The way to test and be able to prove that your equipment meets these parameters is PAT testing.

Rather than treating PAT testing as a necessary evil required because of yet more health and safety red tape, you should think of it as dual purpose - first to do all the above, but second, to enable you to work safely. You would not expect to drive a car for years-on-end with just an MOT every year without wondering if all the parts were working safely in between; that's what car servicing is for. You should treat your potentially equally-lethal electrical equipment the same way and have it checked and maintained properly. PAT testing gives you a framework to do these checks.

We are often asked how much it costs "per device". This is not an easy question to answer as it depends on many things, including the number of devices, their accessibility (both spacially and through usage), your location, and the type of appliance which you have at your premises. We would always recommend an initial site visit so we can survey and give you an exact price including any site charges etc. In general, though, you should budget something like £1.25 to £2.50 per appliance for 50+ appliances if you're within the Thames Valley area.

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